• Flexible sleeve fits tightly over existing knob
• Sleeve does not interfere with headphone port
The new MixPre II series comes with a soft, black rubber sleeve that makes using the headphone encoder extremely easy with just one finger (no more tweaking your fingers down the edge of your bag just to make adjustments!) But the sleeve is very soft and easily lost.
This replacement sleeve is made of a flexible plastic that is harder than the original, but still soft on the fingers and easy to attach. It just presses into place and stays put. The design is a copy of the factory supplied version and was re-created by us in-house. Made in red to match the other colors and also to be easy to find in a sound bag.
• Flexible sleeve fits tightly over existing knob
• Sleeve does not interfere with headphone port
The new MixPre II series comes with a soft, black rubber sleeve that makes using the headphone encoder extremely easy with just one finger (no more tweaking your fingers down the edge of your bag just to make adjustments!) But the sleeve is very soft and easily lost.
This replacement sleeve is made of a flexible plastic that is harder than the original, but still soft on the fingers and easy to attach. It just presses into place and stays put. The design is a copy of the factory supplied version and was re-created by us in-house. Made in red to match the other colors and also to be easy to find in a sound bag.